Professor of Liturgics

Dean of the Chapel

Doctor of Philosophy University of Notre Dame Master of Arts University of Notre Dame Master of Sacred Theology Yale Divinity School Master of Divinity Yale Divinity School Bachelor of Arts…

Assistant Professor of Liturgics

Doctor of Philosophy University of Iowa Master of Divinity Wartburg Theological Seminary Rev. Dr. Jan Schnell Assistant Professor of Liturgics Biographical information to come soon. Current Courses Course information to…

Brian Beckstrom

Dean of Spiritual Life
Wartburg College

Debra Hibbard

ELCA Church Council

Emily Prough

Contextual Education Coordinator

David Pitt (He/Him)


Distinguished Professor of Church and Ministry emerita

Doctorate Denver University and the Iliff School of Theology Master of Divinity Yale Divinity School Master of Arts in Religion Concordia Theological Seminary Bachelor of Arts Valparaiso University Associate of…

ELCA Church Council

Rev. Dr. Erik Gronberg

Bishop, Region 4

Professor of Contextual Theology and Ethics
The William D. Streng Professor for the Education and Renewal of the Church 563-589-0207

Doctor of Theology University of Munich Master of Sacred Theology Wartburg Theological Seminary Master of Divinity Wartburg Theological Seminary Bachelor of Arts Michigan State University Download Curriculum Vitae Rev. Dr.…