Wartburg Theological Seminary serves Christ’s church through the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America by being a worship-centered community of critical theological reflection where learning leads to mission and mission informs learning.
The community embodies God’s mission by stewarding resources for engaging, equipping, and sending collaborative leaders who interpret, proclaim and live the gospel of Jesus Christ for a world created for communion with God and in need of personal and social healing.
Wartburg Theological Seminary – in partnership with the local and global church – seeks to form Christ-centered, resilient, and adaptive leaders for the thriving of congregations and the healing of the world. Wartburg graduates are called to be leaders with a passion for Christ and compassion for communities. They will faithfully embody the story of Jesus Christ and invite others into this transformative story with hope and joy.
As a Christ-centered community of worship and learning, Wartburg Theological Seminary deepens and reimagines its historic commitments to theological education that is diverse, sustainable, and transformative, grounded in and bearing witness to the good news of Jesus Christ.