More Tower Wartburg Seminary

Welcome to Learning for Life!

The third verse of At His Feet, a hymn based on the mission statement of Wartburg Theological Seminary and commissioned for use in worship, reads:


We are gathered, God’s own children in this time, this day, this place

We must speak and we must listen, open to receive God’s grace,

Learning leads us on to mission, knowing Jesus sets us free

Now we make our bold commitment, answering “Here I am, send me!”

©Ralph F. Smith, used by permission


This is not just a song about seminary students preparing to serve as deacons and pastors in the church. This is a song about being disciples of Jesus. Like the first disciples, we are all invited to gather, speak, listen, learn, and commit ourselves to mission.


Learning for Life at Wartburg seeks to provide learning:

  • for laypeople seeking to dig deeper into their faith and the faith of others
  • for laypeople wanting to grow in their involvement in their congregations
  • for laypeople who might be hearing a nudge to consider seminary
  • for deacons and pastors seeking continuing education
  • for people who recognize that learning about faith, the Bible, the triune God, living as disciples continues through all the phases of our lives.
  • for people seeking to gather, speak, listen, learn, and commit themselves to the gospel of Jesus Christ for a world created for communion with God and in need of personal and social healing.
  • for people who are seeking a worship-centered, communal experience of critical theological reflection where learning leads to mission and mission informs learning.
  • for YOU!