Doctor of Philosophy
University of St. Andrews, Scotland

Master of Divinity
Wartburg Theological Seminary

Bachelor of Arts
Concordia College, Moorhead, MN

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Rev. Dr. Samuel Giere

Professor of Biblical Interpretation

Faculty Biography

Samuel D Giere, a ’97 alumnus, joined the Wartburg faculty in the summer of 2006. After serving as an associate pastor at Messiah Lutheran Church in Fargo, North Dakota, he studied at St Mary’s College, University of St Andrews, completing a PhD in Old Testament in 2006. His postgraduate work was on the history of the interpretation of Day One (Genesis 1.1-5). He has also taught as an adjunct member of the Religion Department at Concordia College, Moorhead, and served as interim pastor at Norman and Davenport Lutheran Churches, in southeast North Dakota.

Follow Professor Giere

BI103 NT Greek

BI222 Hebrew Bible 1: Torah

BI224 Hebrew Bible 2: Prophets and Writings

BI247 Tree of Life: Exploring Biblical and Extra-Biblical Images of the Cross

BI249 Readings in Biblical Theology

BI324 Creation & Redemption in the Old Testament

BI326 The Old Testament and the Rule of Faith

BI353 Reading the Old Testament in the New Testament

BI367 Apocalyptic Imagination

IN141 Jesus Christ and Plural Worlds

IN281 Fascism in Fiction in Light of Faith

S.D. Giere, Freedom and Imagination: Trusting Christ in an Age of Bad Faith (Fortress, 2023).

S.D. Giere, “The Ubiquity of Impermanence at the Intersection of Qoheleth and Entropy,” Word & World 43/1 (Winter 2023): 3-13.

S.D. Giere, A New Glimpse of Day One: Intertextuality, History of Interpretation, and Genesis 1.1-5 (BZNW 172; de Gruyter, 2009)

Dr. Giere has extensive knowledge in the following categories and is able to serve as a resource on:

  • Hermeneutics
  • Biblical Theology
  • Theology & Imagination