You are welcome here.

As a Reconciling in Christ seminary, WTS seeks to offer hospitality and welcome to all who enter our academic programs. Following Jesus Christ, whose reconciling love bridged barriers and made strangers friends, we seek to welcome and learn from one another’s particularity-including but not limited to one another’s race, national or ethnic origin, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, physical ability, social status and theological diversity.

WTS Belonging Statement

Wartburg Theological Seminary is a worship-centered, learning community gathered into one by God’s love and grace in Christ. The Holy Spirit calls you here. You belong in this community. In the name of Christ, the members of the Wartburg community embrace you as beloved. In imitation of God the Creator, we celebrate the beauty of human diversity.

The WTS community affirms the value and worth of people of all ages, races, cultures, languages, traditions, socio-economic status, sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions, and bodies of all shapes, sizes, and abilities. We cherish people of faith traditions other than our own. We hear and have committed ourselves to answer the call of Jesus to love our neighbors as ourselves.