Welcome home to Wartburg Seminary!
This spring, we come from all corners of the country, and from different parts of the world, to gather together as the Wartburg Seminary community—to worship, study, play, celebrate and lament together.
But, now, in 2025, just a few weeks after the change in administration, we know that many will come fearful and anxious—for themselves, for their loved ones and for their ministry contexts. We do well, then, at this time—and at all times—to be reminded of who we are, and whose we are.
Wartburg Theological Seminary is a community grounded in faith in Jesus Christ, called to witness to the gospel in our formation of Christian leaders. What does this mean for us?
Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life.” (John 14:6)
The way of Jesus Christ leads to a lavish banquet where all have a seat at the table, where every person is valued as a beloved child of God, where all migrants find a safe place to rest, and where every prodigal is welcomed home.
Wartburg walks this way of Jesus Christ with doors open to all students, regardless of race, sexuality, ethnicity, ability, age, gender identity, or immigration status. Our students are rooted in the gospel proclamation of God’s unconditional grace and mercy for all.
The truth of Jesus Christ transforms tax collectors into disciples, rejects the false legalism of the Pharisees, and frees those marginalized by society.
Wartburg shares the truth of Christ by speaking out against false prophets, resisting the lies of Christian Nationalism, and listening and learning from different perspectives to grow together in wisdom and faith.
The life of Jesus Christ is life abundant for all: reconciliation of the sinner, embrace of the outcast, healing of the wounded, and the lasting victory over death and the devil.
Wartburg shares this life of Christ by grounding our life together in Word and Sacrament, strengthened for service and empowered to proclaim and embody this good news of freedom and restoration, especially to the most vulnerable and marginalized.
The Wartburg Theological Seminary community will continue to follow Christ faithfully, trusting in the power and presence of the Holy Spirit, standing with Christ in solidarity with those on the margins.
We pray Christ’s blessings upon us all.
Kristin Johnston Largen
President, Wartburg Theological Seminary