Creativity & Continuity in the WTS Community

Learn how our students, staff, and faculty are responding to these unprecedented times.

Greetings in Christ, friends of Wartburg Seminary!

By now, we hope you have taken time to read the news and details regarding our institution’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. If not, we invite you to read that here.

Below you will find stories of creativity and continuity in the life of our community. They are stories of growth, hope, and faith in the midst of times that find many of us searching for just that. Enjoy voices emerging from our people and peace be with you.

Dr. Kristine Stache
Interim President

Faculty Perspective: Rev. Dr. Thomas Schattauer on Daily Digital Worship

“During this time of heightened concern, uncertainty, and social isolation due to the coronavirus, it remains essential that we continue to be a worship-centered community—a community that sings and prays around God’s word.”

Student Stories

Discover how WTS Students are adapting in changing times.


Tina Beauvais

Fieldwork: Making and Donating Masks


He Is Risen! Easter Surprise

Wooden Crosses Planted All Over Campus


Hannah Purkey

Fieldwork: Tutoring on WhatsApp


Emily Norris

Beginning a New Community in COVID-19



Project with ELCA Young Adults and WTS Students Shifts with Physical Distancing Measures

WTS Alumni Rally to Support Students

Even though Reformation & Reunion alumni events were canceled, two alumni classes committed to meeting fundraising goals they had set for themselves. Read the stories below.

Upcoming Events

Did you miss our Creation in Crisis Conference? Visit the event site to watch the individual sessions from the conference!

Creation in Crisis Videos

Digital Worship Podcasts

Explore the Digital Worship podcast, hosted by WTS Master of Divinity student Clayton Faulkner.

News from Wartburg Seminary