Thank you for considering our students to fulfill your supply preaching needs! Please complete the form below, including all important details. Upon receiving your request, the opportunity will be digitally posted to the Wartburg Seminary site for the student body to consider. Please be aware there may or may not be a student available for your requested time(s). If there are any students interested in taking the pulpit supply opportunity, the student(s) will contact you directly.

Questions? Contact or call 563-589-0272.

Please note: If you choose to hire a student for a supply preaching opportunity, this is a contract between the congregation and the student to provide a service. The payment received is earned income and thus taxable for the student. If the services are $600 or above annually, the congregation will need to report on a W-2 or 1099 form. It is important that the congregation write the check directly to the student and not to Wartburg Seminary. Some congregations feel they are being generous by writing the check to the seminary as a scholarship but this is not permissible per tax law and liability. Mileage and any food, etc. reimbursements are not taxable and should not appear on their W-2 or 1099 from the church. If your congregation chooses to provide the student a gift over and above the expected supply preaching pay plus mileage, that needs to be clearly communicated.