“Wartburg Theological Seminary is excited to launch this new center that continues our longstanding commitment to Latinx ministries and leaders, and to our partners in Texas. It is our hope that through CTLM, we will be able to expand the reach of our programming to congregations, communities, and leaders all around the country, as we support ongoing development of multicultural ministries, particularly those serving Latinx populations.” – Kristin Johnston Largen, President

CTLM Offerings
Intercultural Competence Program. English
It is known as a range of cognitive, affective, and behavioral skills that lead to effective and appropriate communication with people of other cultures. Dates TBD.
Mentoring Program. Spanish
Our main objective with this mentoring program is to connect pastors, deacons, and lay leaders (mentor/mentees) in one-to-one relationships. More details will follow.
Bible Study deepens and expands our understanding of specific Bible passages; it helps us sort through hard concepts and gives insight into the context of the Bible. Every other week Mondays at 7pm. Starting September 19, 2022. Online.
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For Lutherans, worship stands at the center of our life of faith. Through God’s word, water, bread, and prayer we are nurtured in faith and sent out into the world. Every Friday 10am-10:30am. Online.
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Understanding Who “Guadalupe” Is
November 16, 2024
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
The Virgin of Guadalupe and Lutherans – Latine perspective.
Latine Ministry Competency Workshop 202
There are 1,157 ELCA congregations with significant Latinx population in their zip code. Is your church one of these? How are you equipping yourselves for cross-cultural ministry among the fast-growing Latine community?
You are invited to join a group of learners and practitioners wanting to enhance their cultural and ministry competence to help start or strengthen Latine, Bilingual, or Multi-Ethnic worshipping communities. This virtual 10-hour workshop features the learnings of local and synodical strategies, core principles, ministry models and best practices in the development of ministry among the diversity of Latinx audiences in New Jersey, Texas, and the Chicago area.
This initiative is part of an ELCA churchwide effort to “activate ourselves so that more people may know the way of Jesus and experience community, justice, and love.”
Cost: Individual $250 or Congregation: $600
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Blog/Vlog: Once a week with updates, relevant themes, prayers, etc. Bilingual
Programa de Mentoría. Español
Nuestro objetivo central con este programa de mentoría, es de conectar pastores, diáconos, y líderes laicos (mentor/aprendiz) en relaciones uno a uno. Más detalles serán anunciados.
Para los Luteranos, la misa esta en el centro de nuestra fe. A través de la palabra de Dios, agua, pan y oración somos alimentados en fe y enviados al mundo. Cada viernes a las 10am-10:30am. En línea.
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Blog/Vlog: Una vez a la semana con noticias, temas relevantes, oraciones etc. Bilingüe.