It is said that United States is a “melting pot/molcajete,” a mixture of people, ideas or ingredients that produces something totally new. In the church, one place we see this embodied is during Lent. Lent is a season where each ethnic group shares its own traditions, which often emphasize fasting, prayer and tithing. In many Lutheran congregations where both English and Spanish worship services are offered, we can see something new being created out from the traditional Lenten soups. For the Anglo community, these suppers are often a longstanding tradition that relates to fasting, praying and tithing. For the Latine community, they are something brand new. In the congregation I served on my first call, the Anglos would bring soup (tomato or lentils), crackers and water. The first year I invited the Latine community, a lady from Honduras brought a mariscada (seafood soup with cream), garlic bread and sodas in different flavors. I can still see the faces of my Anglo siblings when they looked at the 20 quart pot full of fish, shrimp, and crab—it was a banquet! Neither was it even close to their traditional Lenten soups. As time went by, the Latine community also adopted the tradition of the Wednesday soup supper, but with a more conservative menu. My last year at this congregation, the Lenten soups were humbler in nature, and the salty crackers and water were a must, even though the Latine members would still bring their sodas in the kitchen. Worship services were offered in English and Spanish, but the Latine community would assist to both services: they said that 30 minutes it was too short and that they enjoyed the singing in English. Also, the Latine community adopted the Wednesday worship service special offering; they wanted to do what the Anglos were doing to support the church. In my new position as Director for CTLM (Centro Teólogico Luterano Multicultural), I’m able to ask other pastors who are leading multicultural congregations about Wednesday Lenten services, and often I find that they have had similar experiences of two cultures finding common ground and learning from each other. In my opinion, this is the work of Holy Spirit, who brings us together, breaking language and cultural barriers for a single purpose, the worshipping of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.