The Wartburg Theological Seminary community welcomes the Rev. Dr. Lydia Hernández-Marcial to the faculty as Assistant Professor of Hebrew Bible beginning January 1, 2021.

The search for the Hebrew Bible position was conducted since August in a process that included the work of a faithful search committee that moved forward with their designated responsibilities using digital meetings and communication under the conditions of pandemic. We are grateful for the gifts Rev. Dr. Hernández-Marcial will bring to enrich perspectives and the WTS community’s global horizon!

Rev. Dr. Lydia Hernández-Marcial


Rev. Dr. Lydia Hernández-Marcial will be teaching required courses in bible, electives, and team teach integrated courses. Prof. Hernández-Marcial holds a PhD in biblical studies from the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago (LSTC). She specialized in Hebrew Bible, and in particular, Wisdom Literature with her dissertation titled, “Life under the Sun: Contradictions and Resistance in Ecclesiastes from a Puerto Rican Perspective.”

Prof. Hernández-Marcial has taught at the Seminario Evangélico de Puerto Rico, Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, McCormick Theological Seminary, and the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago. As a minister in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), she served as a pastor in several churches in Puerto Rico, where she taught Old Testament, Christian Ethics, and Christian Theology at the Disciples of Christ Bible Institute. Prof. Hernández-Marcial holds a bachelor’s degree with a major in biology from the University of Puerto Rico, an MDiv from the Evangelical Seminary of Puerto Rico, an STM from the Union Theological Seminary (NY), and a ThM from the LSTC.

About Wartburg Theological Seminary

Founded in 1853, Wartburg Theological Seminary is a seminary of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America offering residential and distance theological education through its masters programs and through its Theological Education for Emerging Ministries (TEEM) program. The Seminary is accredited by the Association of Theological Schools and the Higher Learning Commission. Questions about this announcement can be directed to