Wartburg Theological Seminary is delighted to announce that we have called the Rev. Carrie Greenquist-Petersen ‘21 as the new Director of TEEM and Certificate Programs.

Pastor Carrie brings experience with Wartburg’s Certificate programs as well as great enthusiasm for the possibilities for growth and development in the TEEM programs. She looks forward to deepening and expanding support for TEEM students, and building a broader network of relationships with congregations, synods and church leaders.

Carrie states, “I am absolutely delighted to join the Wartburg team! We live in a unique time and place to practice perceiving the movement of the creative and resourceful Holy Spirit. I am fascinated with endings and beginnings, change and hope and I look forward to collaborating and dreaming about how to learn and grow with and from each other in ways both time-tested and brand new. Thanks be to God whose power in us is able to do abundantly more than we could ever ask for or imagine.”

We give thanks to God for Carrie and look forward to welcoming her in August.