Doctor of Theology
School of Theology at Claremont

Bachelor of Divinity
Luther Theological Seminary

Bachelor of Science in Physics
University of Washington

 Professor of Systematic Theology; Kent S. Knutson Fellow in Theology

HT 345W Atonement and Jesus’ Crucifixion
HT 342W Eschatology and Creation
HT 347W Jesus Christ: Traditions East & West
HT 140W Systematic Theology

Dr. Priebe has extensive knowledge in the following categories and is able to serve as a resource on:

  • Systematic Theology
  • Christology and Atonement
  • Creation and Eschatology
  • Biblical Theology and Theology
  • Christian Theology in a Religiously Plural World
Introducing the Rev. Dr. Clayton Faulkner: The Dean of Chapel